Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rishikesh; May 18

Photo: My Room at Sant Seva

Got up at 5AM and practiced…. Yoga and meditation in my room in silence. The day dawned beautiful...sun on the Ganges below... daily bathing rituals... and morning Kirtan chanting across the river.
I stayed quiet for most of this day… walked to Ram Jhula and back. Listened and watched. Made my way to yoga, Intermediate, in the afternoon. It was a bit deeper but a similar experience to Saturday. Only a few people including Marjolaine again. After class we talked about finding another yoga place… I had seen dozens of signs along the path between the Jhulas, including an Ashtanga class at 8AM.
I was pretty tired from all of the travel and the climb as well… so it was good to just have some restful time. Yinyasa yoga seemed like too much work at this point... I was enjoying the slower asana practice for now.
Meditation on the balcony and some sleep.

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